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The “Nation's Vow” in Urban Design Fantasy

Ethnographic Observations on Silencing and the Construction of Public History


Lecture by Dimitris Antoniou

19.12. 2012

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We are very happy to welcome Dimitris Antoniou to 3137 for a presentation of his research on The Nation's Vow (Táma tou Éthnous), a church that the participants of the fourth national assembly of 1829 had pledged to construct in return for Greek liberation from the Ottoman Empire.

Dimitris studies the long history of this unfulfilled initiative, the attempts of the military regime of April 21, 1967 to build the Táma tou Éthnous, and the urban planer Konstantinos Doxiadis's interest in the project. By bringing together Doxiadis's monographs on The Nation Vow and literature produced after the restoration of democracy on this issue, Dimitris considers the making of public history and the place of silence, resistance and complicity in Greece today.

Dimitris Antoniou is a social anthropologist and is a post-doc researcher at the Center for Hellenic Studies at the Princeton University