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Daniel Kemeny, Chrysanthi Koumianaki, Kosmas Nikolaou, Andreas Sell, Paky Vlassopoulou
6-9 November 2014
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“Social space is truly the concrete space of meetings, of the contacts between beings. Spatiality is social.”
Written by Constant, for the exhibition catalogue published by the Haags Gemeetenmuseum, The Hague, 1974.
Babylon Radio is an ephemeral internet radio station set up on the upper floor of 3 137 for 3 days where cultural and political initiatives, artists and friends will be invited to propose a radio show. Babylon Radio is a meeting point, a constructed situation open to transformation. The program also aims to work as a "speaker's corner" for anyone who wants to participate in the program. For the technical infrastructure of the station we will use free open source software.
At the same time, a removable wooden staircase will be constructed that connects the radio station on the upper floor with the pavement of Mavromichali Street, designed to highlight the accessibility to it.
In the ground floor of the studio we will welcome people to read, cook, chat.
Our goal is Babylon radio to create a small network by creating new contexts and intersections.
Enjoy your listening!
For the development of the station and the program we invite two German artists Daniel Kemeny and Andreas Sell.
Babylon Radio is part of New Babylon Revisited curated by Sofia Dona and Daphne Dragona.
New Babylon Revisited
Participatory actions and drifts for the post-digital city
Curated by: Sofia Dona and Daphne Dragona
A project by Goethe Institut-Athen
in collaboration with the Circuits and Currents project space and the Careers Office of the Athens School of Fine Arts, the Common Media Lab of the Center for Digital Cultures of the University of Leuphana, the artists’ run space 3 137,the Independent Center for Research Space Under and the Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network.
New Babylon Revisited proposes a series of actions, workshops and dérivés that starting from Constant’s New Babylon re-discuss issues concerning the free communication of a city’s inhabitants. Artists and theorists propose new architectures of connectivity, inviting the inhabitants to think and act collectively.
More Information: