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3 137
Account number:
5080 082881 451
GR84 0172 0800 0050 8008 2881 451

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​First Come First Served​

Paki Vlassopoulou

Chrysanthi Koumianaki 

Kosmas Nikolaou

+ special guests

happening/ 25.05.2012

<- archive

“First Come First Served” was a dinner organized by 3 137 on 25th of May 2012 as a part od "Hosted in Athens", a presantation of collectives all over Greece and Europe. A dinner at 3 137 pavement. First, second, third and forth dish. We were the hosts as well as the servants. The first guests were the lucky one that took a sit at the table. People around the table enjoyed other dishes depending on the dish was served to the guest having dinner. Our friend Marieta Tsakmakli played soxophone and friends and family helped with the dishes. A try to show the will of hosting as a basic component of our team and space. 
