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Chrysanthi Koumianaki

Grigoris Markatos

Kosmas Nikolaou

Paki Vlassopoulou

09.02 – 26.02.2012

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A luxury palace is the meeting point for four young artists. 

The concerns and questions that arise from the tradition of landscape painting and landscape design, starting with the gardens of the Baroque to the current public green spaces, are the triggers for the creation of these works. 

The axes around which these artworks move, deal with the contrast of luxury and paltry, the doubts about European morals and cultural heritage as well as memory functions. 

The artists themselves, through identifying affinities between their own individual practices, perform the curation. By borrowing elements from the development of the narration of the works, the curation results in being an artistic tool in itself and at the same time, the participants practices become a form of curation.

The exhibition is accompanied by a brochure with research material of the exhibited works and an essay about landscape, written by architect Marina Mpiza.